September 19, 2011

A Social Sunday Stroll

After a week of sniffling and sneezing around my compound, or more aptly my room on especially yucky days, my head decided it was done being runny and achey this Sunday.  So I strapped on some sandals and went for a walk around my neighborhood.

My first weeks here consisted of getting to know other local PCVs and meeting different NGO and local government employees.  However, I have been sorely neglecting another vital opportunity to meet and greet right in my own quartier.  I realized that I haven't been spending time in my own neighborhood when a neighbor greeted me two nights ago and then asked where I had been for the past week and was shocked to hear I had not left town.  Apparently I need to get out more and say hi.

So Sunday I spent walking around the neighborhood and into compounds of neighbors I knew despite still not being completely comfortable showing up at someone's house without calling ahead or receiving an earlier invitation.  After getting over that initial hesitation, it has been heart warming to always receive a warm welcome and be asked to sit and chat for a while - a short while for now as my very limited pulaar doesn't exactly allow me to make deep conversation.

Social Sunday strolls may have to become a service tradition for me although I'll also be sure to be social the other days of the week too so my neighbors don't think I leave town Monday-Saturday.

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